• Let’s Roll Up Our Sleeves and Get to Work

    Like so many of you, I am in deep despair. I cannot believe that we will spend the next four years with a foul-mouthed, thin-skinned, misogynistic, race-baiting demagogue as our President. I cannot believe that he won over a highly-qualified, well-respected stateswoman who had more job experience than any non-incumbent in recent memory. I cannot…

  • More Thoughts on Third-Party Voting and Game Theory

    I got a lot of pushback on the last thing I wrote about the “Bernie or Bust” movement, so let me try again to explain why, rationally, it makes no sense to vote third party within the current system. If you don’t want to read the whole thing, skip to the end, where I link…

  • So You’re Gonna Vote Third Party, Huh?

    I posted a link to this Slate article on my Facebook page today, and got an interesting reply from a friend (name withheld since the post wasn’t public): Trump would mop the floor with her in a General election based entirely upon the attacks he’d use that Sanders has not. There is that email thing…

  • Why I’m Not Feeling the Bern

    (I hadn’t realized that it had been so long since I had written a blog post. Facebook and Twitter really scratch most of the itch when I feel the need to write. Nonetheless, there are times when those platforms just don’t have the ability to capture my thoughts completely.) It’s been months since the Democratic…

  • Political Reforms You Probably Like, That Won’t Help

    …in fact, in some cases they would make things worse. There’s a lot of anger at Congress right now, from both sides of the aisle, and I share in a lot of that. However, there’s a number of proposed reforms circulating out there on Facebook and on the rest of the web that sound really…

  • I Think OU Just Won Its 8th National Championship…

    …for a game it lost 55-19 in 2005. Today, the NCAA handed down the most severe sanctions since giving Southern Methodist the “death penalty” in 1986. They placed USC on a 2-year postseason ban in football, revoked 30 scholarships, and most importantly, vacated all wins for the football program after December 2004 in which Heisman…

  • God and Haiti

    I just read an interesting reflection on the religious overtones of the tragic earthquake in Haiti and the rather evil-sounding pronouncement by Pat Robertson on the “causes.” It got me thinking about the presence of God in the midst of this kind of disaster, and I felt like sharing. This verse sums up a lot…

  • Pass the Health Reform Bill

    Yes, it’s a shit sandwich compared to the filet mignon we might have had in a perfect world, but it is much better than the status quo. It will give coverage to millions of currently-uninsured people, get a handle on out-of-control Medicare cost growth, stop the most egregious abuses of the insurance companies (by eliminating…

  • J.J. Abrams is an Evil Genius

    …and I don’t know whether to despise him or move him to #1 on my all-time heroes list. Note: don’t read any further if you haven’t seen Star Trek yet!

  • How The Republican Party Can Regain Power

    I’m giddy with excitement over our new President-Elect, but some of my friends on Facebook are really bumming me out. I’m sure some of them actually think we’re in the End Times now that Obama was won. I truly do sympathize – I am Pro-Life, and I do care about ending abortion. But a political…