Welcome, Bianca Ann!

It was a wild morning in the wee hours of Wednesday, July 20. Jennie felt what we guess now must have been her water breaking about 11:00PM (Tuesday night). We didn’t recognize it, though, and we went to bed anyway. Little did we know we’d have a baby a little over four hours later!

About 1:20AM, Jennie felt her first contraction, so we called the doctor, called Jennie’s mom to come over so she could stay with Sabrina, and got in the car and headed for Sky Ridge. Of course, the highway offramp from E-470 to southbound I-25 was closed, so I had to take the northbound ramp instead. Then, the exit at Dry Creek Road was closed, so I had to go all the way north to Arapahoe Road and turn around to come back south and get to the hospital!

Of course, by this time, Jennie’s contractions were about 90 seconds apart, and I found out later she was already dying to push! We pulled into the emergency room driveway at 2:40AM, and we almost weren’t in time! Bianca Ann Patten was born just twenty minutes later, at 3:02AM. She weighed 7 lbs, 14 oz. at birth, and is 20 inches long. She’s the spitting image of my newborn photos, the poor girl.

These pictures are from the hospital. We’ve been home since yesterday mid-afternoon.






5 responses to “Welcome, Bianca Ann!”

  1. Jackie Avatar

    She is adorable!!! Congratulations!!!!

  2. Jess Avatar

    She is absolutely perfect!!! Good job and congrats to the family!

  3. Brian Avatar

    Congratulations, she is beautiful and the pictures are nothing short of precious. I am so happy for the two of you!

  4. Sachiko Avatar

    Congratulations, she is beautiful!

  5. Melissa Avatar

    What a joy! There’s no more pure love in life than that for your children! You all look beautiful, I’m glad to hear that everything went well…fast, but well 🙂 Our love to you and all your girls!
    -Lissa & Dillon