Keep Your Fingers Crossed!

Doh! I did it again – another month since I last wrote. It’s not like I’m even that busy and can’t write. Actually, another two weeks passed after the last entry before I was able to upload it. but that’s no excuse.

I don’t have a ton of news. The application deadline for graduate school is tomorrow, so it’s now completely out of the question for me to go. I guess the saying is true: to not decide is to decide. I’m pretty much at peace with that, though. It’s unfortunate that I won’t be there in Oklahoma during the next year, but I have to grow up and move on eventually, anyway.

I have a face-to-face interview for an actual job for the first time in the 10 weeks I’ve been home on Monday. I’m not saying any more than that for fear of jinxing it.

I did find out that I won a National NCC of the Month award (finally!). There was an article in the Oklahoma Daily yesterday about it. That was pretty exciting when I found out. When we were at NACURH 2000, I didn’t win the National NCC of the Year, but the bid I wrote for Anu Pugalia for Distinguished Service Award did win nationally. That was very exciting indeed.



