Life Is Good

Oh, man… how do you even apologize for not writing in over 3 months? I don’t have even the limpest of excuses. I mean, I was out of contact for three weeks while I went to Italy at the end of July/beginning of August, but yikes!

So much on which to catch up my reading public! Let’s see…

The job interviews went very well. After going a solid three months without a nibble, I had 4 interviews and 5 job offers within a week’s time shortly before I left for Italy. Before I left, I accepted a job offer with Mirim as a Software Engineer. I’ve been working there since late August. I have to do all my development using Micro$oft tools and developing for Windoze, but at least I’m programming in Java (even if it is J++). Hopefully management will come around and port the product to Pure Java. Time will tell.

I finally got around to getting involved again in my home parish, St. Michael the Archangel. I was part of a parish production of Fiddler on the Roof in July – my first on-stage singing role! I joined the choir last month, and I’m also a cantor every six weeks or so. I was so nervous when I did it for the first time – I could barely keep from shaking my way off the podium!

Life’s been pretty busy between work and church. I get my weekends pretty free, though. I’ve been visiting my brother in Fort Collins a lot this semester, and renewing some old friendships here in Denver. I just recently took up golf. I bought my own set of clubs on Saturday, and the weather’s been too lousy to even test them out on the driving range (aargh!). No change on the dating situation – single and celibate as ever.

I’ve been thinking about starting grad school in the spring, if I ever get around to taking the GRE. No idea where I’d go yet. I’d love to get my Master’s of Theology from Regis University, but it doesn’t look like they offer it. Maybe I’ll look at DU‘s Computer Science program.


