On the Road Again

Man, quite a month! Once again, I’ve gotten sloppy in my writing habits – but hey, at least I know one person’s been reading again.

I took a little vacation last weekend – the first I’ve really taken since starting at Mirim – back to Oklahoma. I went in part to help with a retreat they had at St. Thomas More, but it was mostly to be able to see my friends. I don’t know how many more opportunities I’m going to have to see a lot of them before they graduate and move on from Norman just as I did. It’s amazing how things change in people’s lives so quickly.

My friend Mark looks like he’ll be going to seminary in the fall. I’m glad he can get it figured out so quickly – he’s only been Catholic for two years! I decided awhile ago that I’m giving it until I’m about 30 – I mean, I haven’t even really been in love yet; how do I know I’m not called to married life?

Somehow I tapped into a funny reservoir out there – I was getting told by some people that I was one of the funniest people they’d ever met, and I wasn’t even trying! Wish I had that kind of sense of humor most of the time; instead I just get to play the straight man, usually.

The trip was terrific, but starting with the trip back, I’ve been sick and feeling lousy for 5 days now. I had what seemed to be stomach flu on Tuesday, and actually had to stop for the night in Salina, KS on my drive back. I was feeling pretty crappy Wednesday, too. Now it’s mutated into this nasty head cold that’s got me feeling all stopped up. The really unfortunate part is, I’m supposed to cantor at Mass tomorrow morning! I called one of my friends in the choir to try and get him to pinch-hit for me, but I haven’t heard from him. I hope he can do it. If not, I suppose I’ll just muddle through.

I joined a pool here at work for the NCAA Tournament, but I’m already sunk. I picked the Sooners to make the Elite Eight, and Iowa State the Final Four, and they’ve both bombed out in the first round! I don’t even know what the pay-in was to join – I haven’t paid in yet. I suppose they’ll come collecting when it’s time.


