Not a Lot to Report

I finally got the old web sites redirected over here. Problem is, the new e-mail address isn’t working yet, as far as I know. Hope no one tries it – they won’t know how to get ahold of me. For those that are clever enough to check here, it’s still [email protected] for the time being.

I’m feeling a little better – almost human again. I was feeling really wretched, even worse than I had been when I wrote the last entry. I have a terrible cough, about like I had a year or two ago, which held on for about 3 months. I have an inhaler the doctor prescribed which I’m taking – it seems to help.

My March Madness pool was a disaster. I managed to get just about everything in the South region messed up, and the others weren’t a whole lot better. I feel bad for my friend David – he’s in 5th place, but because of someone else who has the same picks from here on out, he’s eliminated, while some people with fewer points can still win; there’s no justice! David also organized a pool for the Academy Awards here in the office. I was only a single pick away from being crowned Mirim Movie Master – if only the Coen brothers’ O Brother, Where Art Thou? had won Best Adapted Screenplay instead of Traffic, I would be gloating instead of feeling sorry for myself. Oh well.

My Mom told me this afternoon that things look good for selling the Mazda, finally. Of course, I’ll be taking a $2500 bath on the whole deal, but at least I’ll have it off my hands. A word to the wise – if the cost of rebuilding an engine is estimated at anything approaching 80% of the resale value of the car, FORGET IT!



