Ow! That Hurt!

I really, really hate getting blindsided. For six months, we have been gearing up at Mirim to change directions from a Microsoft-only solution to a truly cross-platform product using J2EE and JFC/Swing, partly at my urging. All of a sudden at our lunch meeting today, our bosses tell us that they made a “business decision” last Friday to move to C# and .NET instead.

The whole thing is based on being able to talk with a product that isn’t shipping yet and won’t ship for probably another year-and-a-half. Never mind that we could have done it with Java anyway. But since my opinion on the matter all of a sudden doesn’t count, that’s that. I didn’t sign on to be a Microsoft flunky – I was hired to write Java – so I guess it’s time to start polishing the ol’ resumé.



