Ooh! Aqua!

While Jennie continues to play Dr. Mario 64, I decided to write my first entry on my brand new iBook. As much as anything, I bought it so that I could goof around with Mac OS X. It’s pretty cool so far. It’s got its quirks, but so did Linux when I started playing with it. The multimedia capabilities are pretty slick, and it’s really nice having a full-blown UNIX laptop.

So Jennie (who’s still playing 15 minutes after I started writing) and I have been together a little over 4 months now, and I’d say we’re pretty serious. We speak, at least in the abstract, about marriage and kids on a regular basis. It’s amazing to me that she has been able to put up with my faults for this long, and appears ready to do so for quite some time yet. I’m pretty lucky to have found her.

The Celexa seems to be doing a really good job for me. I haven’t felt this good for about 6 months. I guess I didn’t realize how long I’d been feeling bad this time around. Unfortunately, I’ve had tonsillitis since I got back from San Francisco in June, so it looks like I’ll have to have my tonsils removed. I don’t have an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist until the 27th, so we’ll see.


