Why Doesn’t He Write?

I was contemplating why I almost never write in my diary anymore, and I think it’s pretty simple – I never had a soulmate before with whom I could share all my anxieties, hopes, frustrations, desires, and dreams with. Now that I have Jennie, and as we’ve grown even closer in the last year, I’ve found the need to write here less and less. It shows with the continual increase in times between entries. Nonetheless, I still feel some obligation to keep the people who might yet be keeping tabs on this site up-to-date, so I will do my best to fill in the last 4 months.

For one, I am still without a new job. My inital unemployment period has expired, and I am waiting to hear whether I qualify for extended benefits, although I couldn’t imagine why I might not. I’m hoping, if my friend who’s a manager at a Game Crazy store in Aurora ever calls to tell me that she has my completed application, to work about 16 hours a week to make a little extra money. I found out that I’m allowed to work part time and make 25% of my weekly unemployment compensation without losing any part of my benefits. If only I had known that months ago; but they don’t put that in the packet they send out, you have to look it up on the website.

Last entry, I said that I wouldn’t be able to make a trip to Oklahoma because I feared for my Grandfather’s imminent demise. He did in fact pass away that weekend, and the funeral was the following Tuesday. Jennie went with me, barely a week after we became engaged – I really appreciated her support. It’s having her to lean on that’s made it less vital to me to write in this diary.

On to good news – Jennie and I set a wedding date today. Our wedding will be May 31, 2003, at 2:00pm at Holy Ghost Church in Denver. I’ve changed to that parish since about April, and I feel much more in touch with the clergy there than I have at St. Michael’s in a long time. Holy Ghost is a beautiful church, originally built in 1924 and expanded in the early 1940s through donations from Helen Bonfils (also famous for founding the Bonfils Blood Center). We’re both very excited about having the date set.

So while I said I don’t have the same psychological need to write here as I once had, I’m finding it nice, like writing a letter to an old friend. I’ll try to write more often, remembering that. Bye for now.


