A New Record

I think I may have set a new personal record for diary deliquency. This makes almost 5 months since I last made an entry. That may not be the worst I’ve ever done, but it’s right up there. I’m too lazy to figure it out.

There’s not a lot new to report. I have had and lost a part-time job since I last wrote. I worked for about 3 months at Build-a-Bear Workshop. I quit the day before Thanksgiving because they weren’t scheduling me for more than about ten hours per week, and then cancelling shifts on me as well. I thought I’d parted on really bad terms, but apparently not. Jennie was still working there until 2 weeks ago, and she said there didn’t seem to be any hard feelings. Good to know. It was only the lack of hours that compelled me to quit – as part-time jobs go, I’ve never had one that I enjoyed more. Of course, had I known I wouldn’t find another job for two more months (and counting), I might’ve stuck it out a little longer.

Jennie graduated from UNC on Dec. 14. She’s now working almost full-time at my alma mater, Eaglecrest H.S.. She’s a TA for the Social Studies department. She’s also working as the costume designer for EHS’s production of West Side Story. She seems really content with the job. I think she’s going to like it a lot. Her office is in the library, which is where my mother works. They’re going to have ample opportunity to dish about me, that’s for sure. Jennie also will be assistant-directing a regional premiere at the Aurora Fox Arts Center, Alan Ayckbourne’s Comic Potential. She’s working for Terry Dodd, one of the most respected and accomplished directors in town. While she isn’t being paid, it’s great experience and good for her resumé.

Speaking of the Fox, I launched my professional acting career there in November. I was cast in A Christmas Carol, playing the roles of Young Ebenezer and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. I’ve only done one other audition since, but I really enjoyed myself and I think I’d like to continue.

Jennie and I have both joined 24-Hour Fitness and are trying to establish a consistent workout routine. I’m fond of, as my friend Paul puts it, picking up heavy things and putting them down again. Jennie likes swimming and kickboxing. We haven’t done very well getting into a routine yet, though.

We’re also bowling on a Monday night league at the local Brunswick Lanes. Our team is struggling, but we have fun and are both improving as bowlers. Unfortunately, we bowled a make-up session Sunday afternoon and then went back and bowled four games of practice last night, which was too much for my back. I woke up this morning in more pain than I’ve had since the last time I strained it and needed physical therapy. I don’t think I need PT again, but we’ll see. Hopefully I’ll be feeling better in the morning. Having to bowl again Monday evening certainly didn’t help matters.

Despite the pain in my back, I managed to make it to a career fair this (Monday) afternoon. I talked to a rep from Raytheon, but I wasn’t having much luck until I mentioned an old acquaintance of mine who has worked there for a long time. As soon as I dropped his name, however, I was able to convince the rep to at least try to get authorization to bring me in for an interview. I should hear from them within the next week. Keep your fingers crossed!

I really need a job, now more than ever. My unemployment claim expired in October, and while I qualify for a new claim, theoretically, it’s backlogged because of technicalities. I had to earn at least $2000 working part-time, and I didn’t quite make it with my earnings from Build-a-Bear. My pay for A Christmas Carol put me over the top, but it has to go through a tax audit or something. At any rate, it could be another month and a half before I see anything from unemployment, so it’s getting pretty hairy. Quark no longer has to let me get health insurance from them after March, either. As always, any leads would be greatly appreciated, especially if Raytheon doesn’t pan out.



