
That was one of the longest 24 hours I’ve ever spent in my life. In the midst of Denver’s second worst snowstorm in history — the worst since 1913 — our power and phone got knocked out. From 9pm Tuesday to 9pm Wednesday, we had no power, and thus no heat, no stove, and since we’re on a well with an electric pump, no water. We’re totally hemmed in by six-foot drifts in our driveway, so we can’t go anywhere, even if the roads were safe to drive.

I haven’t been to work since Monday, and I probably won’t get there until Friday at the earliest. I can’t find my supervisor’s phone number, and I can’t email her since I don’t know her middle initial (stupid Raytheon email address scheme). I don’t know how I’m going to make up all the time, or if I even have to — it was a ticketable offense to be on the roads in Aurora today if you weren’t an emergency vehicle. I really don’t want to have to use PTO to cover my absence.

I guess I didn’t realize how dependent on electricity I am for just about everything. Even the basic necessities. Thank god my folks invested in a kerosene heater a few years back, or my mom and I would have been shivering all day long. It was about 45° in here all day. Of course, my dad happened to be in Florida this week — convenient.

I miss Jennie like crazy. All I wanted all day long was to cuddle with her under a nice warm blanket.


