That’s short for “Yet Another New Website Look.” I’ve been experimenting a lot with stylesheets since I moved to the new website, and I wanted to find a way to make the menus work without complicated JavaScript. I adopted a technique from Eric Meyer’s CSS/Edge website. They work great in Mozilla (and thus I assume Navigator 7) and Safari, but there are problems in Camino. Other browsers, I couldn’t say — I’m not interested in paying for a browser. Of course, the standards-scoffing beast that is Internet Explorer doesn’t render the menus, because they use a CSS2 selector that Microsoft didn’t implement.

Of course, IE on Windows renders the page like complete and total ass, anyway. While I strongly encourage all my readers to upgrade to a standards-compliant browser (on Windows, go for Mozilla or the lighter-weight Phoenix), I realize that may not be a possibility – for example, I am theoretically prohibited at work from using anything but IE 6.0 or Netscape Navigator 4.7 (way to support quality technology, huh?). So, any CSS gurus out there that can help me figure out why the DIVs for individual entries are displaying so badly, I’d really appreciate it. I know the problem lies in my base stylesheet.


