Getting Back On My Feet

Thought it was about time I gave an update on various things in my personal life, since I’ve recently ranted on the politics of free speech, the justifiability of war with Iraq, the morality of free software, and the abomination that is the Designated Hitter rule, but I haven’t talked about what’s going on with me.

Now that I’ve been working a few weeks and have a couple paychecks in the bank, I can finally start thinking about other financial matters, especially with the wedding looming. Jennie and I booked our honeymoon the other night – we’re going to DisneyWorld! We’ll spend 10 days and 9 nights in Orlando, staying at the Coronado Spring Hotel at the park. It’s very exciting.

We’re also going out this weekend to look at houses! I wasn’t sure I was going to able to with the long unemployment period, but I got good news yesterday from the mortgage broker with whom I’m working. We’ll be able to put in a contract and close on a property before the wedding, if all goes to plan.

The wedding plans are going a little slowly. Jennie and I have the invitations, and we finally got registered last weekend at Bed, Bath and Beyond. You can view our registry online, if you want to get a head start on wedding gifts for us! 🙂 We still have to hire a photographer, and a limo, and a DJ. We also have to pick music for the ceremony, and meet with the priest who’s marrying us. We also have classes through the archdiocese to complete, including natural family planning courses, which are very interesting, in a boring sort of way.


