Back from No-Frills

Well, my love pangs are subsiding these days, somewhat. I’m still kind of sad about the unavailability of my beloved, but I’m getting over it. Besides, I’ve gotten to know a couple other girls in whom I’m interested. One in particular really intrigues me, but once again, I’m not sure she’s available. It would be just my luck that she would have a boyfriend.

I got back from my trip to SWACURH No-Frills safely. It was a really successful trip. We won 5 of the 8 awards for which we bid. One of the two I wrote was chosen. I was also selected as NCC of the Year! I’m very excited.

My spring break plans fell through completely, unfortunately. I’m not going anywhere for the week. I have plenty of housework, homework, and other stuff to keep me busy, though, so it should be okay. I really need to get to bed now so that I can get cracking on all of it, as a matter of fact.


