Forgot to Mention…

Gee, two posts in one day? I must be coming down with something…

I forgot to post that we had Sabrina baptized last Sunday, May 8th. We also had her 1st birthday party that afternoon. She actually turned 1 Last Thursday, May 12. Her Aunt Sara (“Ra-Ra” to Sabrina) and Uncle David (actually not an uncle, just a good friend, one of my groomsmen) are her Godparents.

Sabrina has started talking a little the past few weeks. She calls the dog “Ah-Dee,” and she calls me “duh-duh-duh-duh…”. She says “hi” from time to time, and as I said, her Aunt is “Ra-Ra.” The really perplexing thing is, she won’t say “Mom,” or “Ma,” or anything. When I ask her, “Who’s that?” and point to Jennie, she’ll say “hi” and wave, but that’s all. I figure it’s just because she doesn’t have a need to talk about Jennie yet, since she can almost always talk to her instead.


