Am I Gonna Graduate?

Wow! I didn’t realize I hadn’t written in almost a month! I’m really getting lazy.

Well, I finally told her (if you’re not following whom I’m speaking of, read below). I wasn’t going to, but it’s started keeping me up nights (as if I need another reason). She’s probably going to end up reading this diary, too (alright – a fourth person!). There’s no undoing it – I just have to trust that my friendship with her is strong enough that this won’t mess it up. I would hate that even more than I hate the fact that we’ll probably never be together. That’s one of the problems with e-mail – you can’t take it back once you’ve sent it. You’re just stuck with whatever lunk-headed thing you’ve written. I hope she understands.

I finally got my Tradition Ring last night. It’s so cool. I’ve been waiting for weeks to get it – it’s just one more sign that graduation’s just around the corner.

Graduation is getting to be a tough prospect, though. I have an enormous amount of research to do for my Honors thesis, which is counting for my last .5 design credit as well. If I don’t finish it, I don’t get my degree. Senior Design is a mess, too. We’re supposed to be demoing on Tuesday, and we’re not even close to ready. Graduate school vs. a job is relatively unimportant right now, when the prerequisite looms so large over my head.

If you’re the praying type, please say a little prayer for me, that this will all come out alright. Even if you’re not the praying type, say a little prayer for me anyway.


