Bad Things All Around

Kind of an odd time to be writing a diary entry, but then again, this is me, after all. It just occurred to me as I was getting ready for bed that I never gave you, my faithful reading public, an update on the events of the last two entries.

After waiting on pins and needles for four days for a reply from the object of my affection, I finally received an answer by e-mail. It was, of course, exactly the reply I expected, and I was just as disappointed as I expected to be. Nonetheless, it felt good to have said my piece to her, and to hear for sure that there was no point in continuing to carry a torch for her. After all, I’ve been down that road too many times before – of waiting and waiting for a chance, only to have it blow up in my face when it comes. Better to retain a friendship and salvage my dignity, in the long run. Not that my feelings for her have just evaporated all of a sudden, and I’ve been very blue when I’ve seen her this week. But at least I can turn my attention to other things without feeling the pangs of never-gave-it-a-shot.

My software team did in fact present without me, but I have no idea if there will be any impact on my grade. They would have to remember to turn in peer evaluations, and none of us have done one all semester.

My capstone team presented our demo today – I was up all night working on it, so why I’m still awake at 3am is anyone’s guess. It was a pretty shitty presentation over all, but we had managed to lower expectations so successfully that I think we came away all right. We have a little documentation due Tuesday, but that’s minimal. Now if I can just get my Honors Research done, I might graduate here in spite of my best efforts. Getting research done means going to bed, however, so good night.


