Category: Personal

  • Man, What Did I Get Myself Into?

    Or is that “Into What Did I Get Myself?” We had a special homeowners’ meeting last night for our townhome HOA, because the entire board resigned two months ago. Only four were speaking up to be on it, so I volunteered, partly at Jennie’s prompting, to fill the fifth seat. Little did I know that…

  • Sabrina’s Six-month Pictures

    So I know I’ve been promising pictures of Sabrina for a long time, and today I finally have some. The new WordPress software I’m running the site on has a plug-in that makes this really easy. So here you go. We had these taken about a week or so after Sabrina’s six-month birthday.

  • Apologies to All…

    It has been an incredibly busy six months, and I haven’t posted a single item about us, the baby, or anything. The last few months of Jennie’s pregnancy were trying for her. She suffered from sciatica for a few weeks, which she managed to get through thanks to physical therapy. Luckily, nothing was wrong with…

  • Our Little Audrey

    As promised, here are finally some photos of our Audrey. Audrey is, by our best guess, part Labrador Retriever and part Border Collie. We adopted her from Lifeline Puppy Rescue near Brighton, Colorado.

  • The Pitter-Patter of Little Patten Feet

    Not the most timely on keeping this updated, I know. But I’m so very excited to be able to tell the world: we’re having a baby! Jennie is due in late May. The grandparents-to-be are, of course, very excited. We told them all this weekend.

  • Distraction After Distraction

    My apologies to everyone who has been waiting to hear news from me. I have been swamped with stuff ever since the last entry. As many of you know, I am now married to the wonderful and beautiful Jennifer Sara. We’ve been at it for over 6 weeks now (since June 14th), and while living…

  • Oh Give Me a Home

    The house hunt has been a little slower than expected. Jennie and I got shut out of two different deals in the first two weeks of looking, and it’s been tough finding a place to meet our standards since then. I’m happy to say that we’ve finally chosen something, though – we’ll be signing the…

  • Getting Back On My Feet

    Thought it was about time I gave an update on various things in my personal life, since I’ve recently ranted on the politics of free speech, the justifiability of war with Iraq, the morality of free software, and the abomination that is the Designated Hitter rule, but I haven’t talked about what’s going on with…

  • Incommunicado

    That was one of the longest 24 hours I’ve ever spent in my life. In the midst of Denver’s second worst snowstorm in history — the worst since 1913 — our power and phone got knocked out. From 9pm Tuesday to 9pm Wednesday, we had no power, and thus no heat, no stove, and since…

  • Gonna Be a Long Few Weeks

    I’m at the end of my second day of work at Raytheon. I’m sitting in the “Training Pod” waiting for my security clearance to come through, a process that can take weeks (or months, in some cases). Of course, when it finally does come through, I won’t be able to tell you what I’m working…