Category: Personal

  • The Drought is Finally Over

    Well, for me, anyway, if not for Colorado. I HAVE A JOB!

  • A New Record

    I think I may have set a new personal record for diary deliquency. This makes almost 5 months since I last made an entry. That may not be the worst I’ve ever done, but it’s right up there. I’m too lazy to figure it out.

  • Here’s a New One…

    To add to the list of strange places where it occurs to me to write a diary entry, I’m at 30,000 feet on my way home from Cleveland where I was on vacation with Jennie and her family.

  • Strike Three! You’re Outta There!

    I’m picking Jennie up from work this evening at Build-A-Bear, but I have to wait until she’s finished closing the store. Since I have my iBook with me, I thought I’d write an entry. Isn’t that thoughtful of me? In my boredom last week, I decided to look around and see what kind of anti-Bud…

  • Why Doesn’t He Write?

    I was contemplating why I almost never write in my diary anymore, and I think it’s pretty simple – I never had a soulmate before with whom I could share all my anxieties, hopes, frustrations, desires, and dreams with. Now that I have Jennie, and as we’ve grown even closer in the last year, I’ve…

  • Happy Happy Joy Joy (Sort Of)

    So many things have happened since the last entry, I can scarcely think where to begin! I guess I’ll just start with the simplest thing – Jennie and I are engaged! I proposed (sort of in the middle of a fight), on Wednesday night. It was really strange, actually. I had just decided all of…

  • Why Sleep When You Can Write?

    Really, really tired, and can’t sleep. I’ve been suffering from insomnia for about 5 or 6 weeks now. I was exhausted and ready to sleep at about midnight, but I haven’t been able to make myself drop off. I decided to get up and have a glass or two of milk and try to make…

  • Finally, He Writes!

    It wasn’t until a couple of different e-mails drew my attention to it that I realized my diary was so badly out of date. I guess I’ve just been paying attention to other modifications/additions/improvements to the site, such as the navigation links (only visible if you’re using Mozilla 0.9.5+ or a couple other browsers), the…

  • Seven Weeks, and Still No Job

    I haven’t even gotten a nibble. I’m sure everyone’s a bit nervous about hiring right now with the economic uncertainty that’s looming, but knowing that doesn’t really make me feel much better. I could really use at least an interview, to get my hopes up.

  • Tonsils Suck.

    Mine have been swollen and painful since June, making it difficult to swallow, sing, and sometimes talk. The only bigger pain in the ass is getting them taken out, which I had done today. The surgery itself was a breeze, but the recovery is already hurting like crazy, and from what I understand it’s likely…