Category: Personal

  • Decisions, Decisions

    After my re-encounter with Search this past weekend, I find I’m in a real quandary; I can’t decide whether I want to go home to Denver or make a life for myself here in Oklahoma. I realized that there are so many people that mean so much to me out here that I don’t want…

  • Hey, People Read This After All!

    My friend Ellie told me the other day that she actually looked at this page(!), so I thought I’d revisit it for the first time in over a month. She and my good friend Matt got engaged on Friday. I was kind of pleased – I was the very first person they called, even before…

  • One Week Down, 22 to Go…

    Done with the first week of classes, and so far, so good! My new guitar still isn’t here (thanks a lot, UPS!), but other than that, I’m settling in pretty well. Only 144 (calendar) days until graduation! The job situation looks bleak, however – all the really good employers interviewed last semester, when I didn’t…

  • Heading Back to School

    Well, I’m finishing my last day of work for the break, and soon I will be heading back to <SARCASM>beautiful, scenic, Oklahoma</SARCASM>. I was doing some temp work for the Defense Finance Accounting Service, the same outfit I worked for last summer. I’m going to miss my co-workers, but I certainly won’t miss sitting in…