Category: Pet Peeves

  • Pet Peeve #5 – Calling the GPL Viral

    I get really irritated when pundits (usually those trying to stamp out Free Software) describe the GNU GPL as “viral” or “infectious.” You have to make a conscious decision to link your code against GPL code! You can’t get “infected” by the GPL through any means other than your own choice. If you don’t want…

  • Pet Peeve #4 – The Stupidity of Pro-War Protesters

    Being pro-war doesn’t make you patriotic, any more than being anti-war makes you unpatriotic. A century ago, we used the terms “hawk” and “dove” to describe those positions precisely because it is beyond insulting to use how you feel about a particular military conflict to pigeonhole you as patriotic or not. While I’m on the…

  • Pet Peeve #3

    People, especially lawmakers, who think the flag is more important than the things it represents, like say, the Constitution.

  • Pet Peeve #2

    Outside the door to my office, there’s a sign that reads: The following items are PROHIBITED in the Closed Area: … Any Transmittable devices … Having a device that could be transmitted (i.e. is transmittable) would be a neat trick!

  • Pet Peeve #1

    People who think “Support Our Troops” means supporting the President no matter what he does to put our troops’ lives in danger.