Category: Politics

  • Hyprocrites!!!!

    I usually try to not get to worked up by The Daily Show. I watch it to laugh. But sometimes they do too good a job of pointing out what bald-faced liars Republican operatives are, that it makes my blood boil. Watch September 3‘s episode, and watch what how completely full of shit Karl Rove,…

  • Serious Case of Sour Grapes

    I don’t know if you watched Barack Obama’s speech accepting the Democratic nomination for President last night. I watched every minute of it, and it made me prouder than ever to be one of his supporters. It was a very unique combination of inspiring rhetoric, stinging rebukes, witty one-liners, and specific, concrete policy. I think…

  • Right-wingers: The Playground Bullies of Politics

    I just thought the last line of this interview with Robert Reich was funny. I read it and thought, man, he’s exactly right.

  • Could We Be Heading for 4-Party General Election?

    With the events of the last 3 weeks, we’re really looking at an interesting scenario for November. Hillary Clinton’s campaign continues to insist that it will court superdelegates to win the nomination, no matter the damage to the party, if she hasn’t won a plurality of committed delegates. It certainly doesn’t look at this point…

  • Political Activism in Science

    Some of the brouhaha recently with Al Gore winning the Nobel Prize got me thinking. Scientists recently have taken to raising alarms in political circles and the public arena, no longer content to simply publish their findings in a journal and let our elected officials do the right thing with the results. There’s one main…

  • Amen

    That’s really all I have to say.

  • Poisoning the Well

    Every time I read another article or column about Republican schemes to cheat their way into the White House, I get steamed. This time, I was reading Bob Herbert’s pair of columns from the New York Times (Sept. 18, Sept. 22). What’s sad is that nobody even cares anymore – we all just shrug and…

  • “Intellectual Property” is not Real Property

    Mark Helprin writes a rather disingenuous piece in the New York Times op-ed today, arguing that Congress needs to extend copyrights again, beyond the already-obscene author’s life plus 70 years. What if, after you had paid the taxes on earnings with which you built a house, sales taxes on the materials, real estate taxes during…

  • Pet Peeve #4 – The Stupidity of Pro-War Protesters

    Being pro-war doesn’t make you patriotic, any more than being anti-war makes you unpatriotic. A century ago, we used the terms “hawk” and “dove” to describe those positions precisely because it is beyond insulting to use how you feel about a particular military conflict to pigeonhole you as patriotic or not. While I’m on the…

  • Dear Mr. Cruise

    Alright, I’ve been sitting on this for three or four days now, and I can’t stand it anymore. Tom Cruise, take your Scientology and shove it up straight up your ass. (Oh, there I went and outed myself as an SP. Shoot.)