Category: Religion

  • God and Haiti

    I just read an interesting reflection on the religious overtones of the tragic earthquake in Haiti and the rather evil-sounding pronouncement by Pat Robertson on the “causes.” It got me thinking about the presence of God in the midst of this kind of disaster, and I felt like sharing. This verse sums up a lot…

  • Political Activism in Science

    Some of the brouhaha recently with Al Gore winning the Nobel Prize got me thinking. Scientists recently have taken to raising alarms in political circles and the public arena, no longer content to simply publish their findings in a journal and let our elected officials do the right thing with the results. There’s one main…

  • Brilliant!

    As a follow-up to my previous invective-laden diatribe, I thought you’d be interested to see that the same people who brought us are at it again with I particularly love their “disclaimer” at the bottom:

  • Dear Mr. Cruise

    Alright, I’ve been sitting on this for three or four days now, and I can’t stand it anymore. Tom Cruise, take your Scientology and shove it up straight up your ass. (Oh, there I went and outed myself as an SP. Shoot.)

  • A Eulogy (of Sorts) for John Paul II

    I keep thinking I should write something about Pope John Paul’s passing, and I’m really at a loss for words. My feelings are somewhat a reflection of my deep ambivalence about my faith these days. On the one hand, I feel very proud of being a Catholic, and I am very passionate about the Pope’s…