Category: Site Updates

  • Webserver Move (Again)

    Once again, in my eternal quest to get good hosting on the cheap, I’ve moved servers yet again. If you’re seeing this message, the DNS has propagated, and it’s pointing to the new host at ServerPronto.

  • New Management Software

    Things will be a little shaky around here for a while until I get the new WordPress software up and running well. I was using Movable Type, but the license terms for the newest version were unacceptable, and the version I was using, 2.661, was getting comment-spammed into oblivion. The last straw came today when…

  • A New Home for the Website

    If any of you have been trying to post comments lately, I apologize for the problems. My web hosting company, Fidelity Hosting, has been completely unreachable the last few weeks, ever since they broke my connectivity to the database back end that drives this site. After trying for over two weeks to contact somebody, anybody,…


    That’s short for “Yet Another New Website Look.” I’ve been experimenting a lot with stylesheets since I moved to the new website, and I wanted to find a way to make the menus work without complicated JavaScript. I adopted a technique from Eric Meyer’s CSS/Edge website. They work great in Mozilla (and thus I assume…

  • The Drought is Finally Over

    Well, for me, anyway, if not for Colorado. I HAVE A JOB!