Fire Dick Pound

Considering his supposed goal is to restore ethical integrity to international sports competitions, I can’t imagine a more ethically-challenged man than Dick Pound leading the WADA. He has always resorted to the dirtiest of smear campaigns when he couldn’t find any real evidence, and his sickening attempts to discredit Lance Armstrong (in conjunction with yellow journalism by France’s L’Equipe that would make Fox News blush) are only the latest in a long string of underhanded tactics by a man who seems less concerned with actually cleaning up sports than with getting his name in the papers. I’m really glad Armstrong is standing up to him, and asking the IOC to sanction him for his schoolyard bully tactics. His demagoguery is detrimental to the cause of getting drugs out of sports, and a rebuke from the IOC might finally put him in his place.

The ends don’t justify the means. The way to clean up sports is through improved testing regimes and education, not by spreading innuendo and suspicion to try and shame athletes when you can’t get real proof.


