
This every two-to-three weeks thing seems to be about right. I end up with just the right amount for an interesting entry that way, as long as I remember to do it.

After a couple weeks’ deliberation, I am prepared to announce the name of my Volkswagen Jetta. My brother Kent was the only other person to suggest names. After coming up with a list that included Gunther, Lothar, Jurgen, Adolf, and so on, I decided he shall be called Helmut. It’s kind of fun – I’ve never named a car before. Hopefully he likes the name – I’d hate to have trouble if he doesn’t.

Moving occupied a very busy Friday shortly after my last entry. About 6 of my friends all pitched in and helped, which meant that the boxes and furniture all went very quickly. I still haven’t had time or inspiration to completely unpack, however. I figure if past experience is any indication, I should be done in about November. Let’s hope I’m a little more efficient this time, huh?

We got some very sad news that same day, though. My Great Aunt Gladys, to whom I was as close as either of my grandmothers, passed away that morning. I had to take some time off work for the funeral in Minnesota. It was the first time I had ever been to a funeral that wasn’t Catholic, believe it or not. I liked it, though – it was very loving and respectful. It also made me glad to see how many friends of hers turned up, since she had never been married and had no children of her own. My cousins were all in attendance – we all felt very close to her. Aunt Gladys had been slowly recovering from a stroke a year-and-a-half previous, and she was making good progress when she died from a viral respiratory infection in her sleep. She was a deeply religious woman, so I’m sure she is with the Lord now.

Christmas came and went quietly around the Patten household this year. My brother refused to go to Midnight Mass as usual, unfortunately. Part of what I enjoy about going to church on the holidays is seeing all the friends I haven’t seen in a few months or even years. It’s always nice to catch up.

Between Christmas and New Year’s, my parents, brother, and I went to Las Vegas. It was the first time Kent and I had been. I ended up about $120 ahead on my gambling, but I spent most of that on entertainment, like Blue Man Group. That was an awesome show!

I’m still recovering from the New Year’s party Anna and JJ hosted over at the Stewart Building in Littleton. We’re a pretty wild bunch, but man, were we partying hard on Sunday!


