Idiot East Coasters

Fucking New York know-it-alls. Some smart ass on the New York Times website writes in a comment that Matt Holliday doesn’t deserve the MVP even though he led 2 out of 3 Triple Crown categories, because his home-road splits are .376/123/82/1.157 vs. .301/93/55/.859 (Avg./H/RBI/OPS). His supposed MVP? Jimmy Rollins, who was 20th in average with a total batting average of .296 (.301 at home). That’s right – this East Coast genius thinks a guy who didn’t hit as well overall as Holliday did on the road, and who could only match Holliday’s road average when he was home, deserves the award. Boy, that’s sure a convincing argument. Come back when you have a real candidate, you moron.

As for the original article, “Where Did Kazuo Matsui Come From?”, how about this: he’s playing for a fan base that appreciates him, and doesn’t boo him at every turn, as you oh-so-kind New Yorkers do whenever a player doesn’t meet your unrealistic expectations. Maybe if you actually supported your teams, instead of concentrating on every mistake and disrespecting every other team (especially teams that go 6-0 in back-to-back series against the Yankees and Mets, as the Rockies did this year), you would gain some satisfaction from the game.


