Oh Yeah, I Forgot – I’m Depressed!

So I forgot to mention in yesterday’s entry how I was feeling in general. I went to see the doctor a couple weeks ago, the same day as July 2’s entry. The doctor confirmed that I was depressed – in fact, severely depressed. He said the fact that I hadn’t been feeling suicidal was remarkable given my other symptoms.

So I’ve started taking an anti-depressant called Celexa (Citalopram HBr), which is a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI). It seems to be helping, except when I get thrown curve balls like yesterday’s. The doctor says it should take 3-8 weeks to reach full effectiveness, so it may be a while yet before I’m feeling 100%.

This week is going to be very trying. We’re trying to get to a beta release at work, and in the meantime we have dress rehearsals all week for Once Upon a Mattress. Our show runs this weekend, so I’m getting a little nervous. Everyone’s telling me I’m doing a great job, but doing a great job in rehearsal is a little different from doing a great job in performance. I’ve really been enjoying it, though. It’s one of the few things that have helped me from losing it completely the last few weeks.


