One Week Down, 22 to Go…

Done with the first week of classes, and so far, so good! My new guitar still isn’t here (thanks a lot, UPS!), but other than that, I’m settling in pretty well. Only 144 (calendar) days until graduation! The job situation looks bleak, however – all the really good employers interviewed last semester, when I didn’t have my shit together (figures). So I’m going to have to deal with the automated ignore-bots known as web submission pages. It used to be nicer when a person actually had to look at your resume before throwing it in the trash. Or maybe I’m just a romantic.

Microsoft is interviewing this semester – maybe I should go work for them – NOT! I only wish I knew someone at Apple, Sun, or IBM. At least Sun and IBM have operations in Colorado. Everyone that’s interviewing here is in Austin – and I don’t want to move to Texas. I’m posting my resume here, now, just in case someone browsing through is in a position to hire me. I’d really like to work in Denver, but I’d consider positions in the SF Bay area or maybe Oregon and Washington. I haven’t really thought about other places – I might be open to suggestion.

Of course, I’m dreaming. It’s not like anyone will ever even read this entry. That’s ironic, isn’t it? I’m posting my diary for the whole world to read, and no one probably ever will, since it’s not a sex site.


