Pet Peeve #4 – The Stupidity of Pro-War Protesters

Being pro-war doesn’t make you patriotic, any more than being anti-war makes you unpatriotic. A century ago, we used the terms “hawk” and “dove” to describe those positions precisely because it is beyond insulting to use how you feel about a particular military conflict to pigeonhole you as patriotic or not.

While I’m on the subject, being against the war in Iraq, in particular, is about supporting our troops, in the sense that you don’t want to see soldiers’ lives wasted on a war that was fought based on a lie, in violation of international law, for no discernible purpose, to no clear end, and the results of which are likely to be worse for the security of America and the world than the foregoing regime.






One response to “Pet Peeve #4 – The Stupidity of Pro-War Protesters”

  1. Justin Avatar

    Ha! Found you! Google is cool…