Seven Weeks, and Still No Job

I haven’t even gotten a nibble. I’m sure everyone’s a bit nervous about hiring right now with the economic uncertainty that’s looming, but knowing that doesn’t really make me feel much better. I could really use at least an interview, to get my hopes up.

I feel like I’m slipping a little, even with the Celexa. My temper is flaring a lot recently, and I can’t really explain why. I’m also having trouble sleeping and eating again right now. There’s certainly a lot of stress in my life. My mom is recovering from having a hysterectomy last week and my dad goes in for surgery next week. I also found out last night that two very good friends of mine suffered a very saddening loss. To top it all off, my mom told me today that my two remaining grandparents are both in the hospital today. My grandmother apparently suffered a very mild stroke, and my grandfather fell down and injured his back. My dad’s likely going to fly to Phoenix to see them this weekend.

Unfortunately, Jennie’s taking the brunt of my temper, mostly because she’s around me more than anyone else. I feel really bad that I’ve been blowing up at her. I really don’t mean to. She takes it pretty much in stride, though. Other than that and a few things that are on her mind a lot right now, we are in better shape than ever. We certainly grow closer day by day. It makes it difficult to contemplate looking outside of Denver for a job, which I may have to do if nothing comes of a couple career fairs I’m attending at the end of this month.


