Some People Call Me a Space Cowboy…

(yeah) Some call me the gangster of love…

I have no idea why I wrote that. It was just kind of running through my head.

I don’t think I should go up to Greeley on weeknights anymore. I’ve been a zombie pretty much all day. I went up to watch the KingsAvalanche game (the Avs lost in overtime, BTW) with Tyler, Kandi, and Jennie, and we stayed up till 3:00am watching The Princess Bride. Then I had to get up and drive back down to Denver at 8:00 this morning. So by the time I got home and showered before I went to work and then took an hour for lunch, I’ve only been in the office about 4.5 hours now, and I’m ready to go home! But I’ve been terrible about putting in a full 8 hours lately, so I don’t think I should bail early. I’ve really gotta get back into a decent routine of going to bed at a semi-normal hour and going in to work in the morning.

I had an audition for the summer musical at church last Sunday. I had a really horrendous audition – I didn’t know the song, and I was having a bad voice day to begin with. I guess it speaks to how shallow the talent pool is for baritones aged 16-25 at St. Michael’s that I landed the male lead anyway. I’m playing Prince Dauntless in Once Upon a Mattress, which is a musical version of the tale of The Princess and the Pea. I would feel a little worse about getting the role with such a terrible audition if I didn’t think I could do the part as well as anyone else the director could have cast. We’ll see how it goes – I’m pretty excited already. Our first rehearsal is Saturday – right at the same time as the Avalanche game. Aargh!

I have my second four-month review at Mirim on Monday – well, probably not, since my supervisor hasn’t even read my self-evaluation yet, yet alone written her review and taken it to the big boss. I’m supposed to have it Monday. I’m kind of hoping that I’ll get a promotion, but I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch. I’m perfectly happy with the responsibility level and pay that I’m getting now, so I’m not all that worried about it. It would just be a sign that I’m still performing beyond their expectations, which I hope is true. Other than that, I’m starting to feel a little harried at work again. My deadlines are slipping, so what am I doing? Updating my online diary…

One last quick note – [email protected] is finally working. I also added a redirect address for my cell phone – [email protected]. The character limit on that one is 150 characters, though, so keep it simple. I also can only receive 250 messages on it a month without getting charged $.10/message, so please be considerate.


