Strike Three! You’re Outta There!

I’m picking Jennie up from work this evening at Build-A-Bear, but I have to wait until she’s finished closing the store. Since I have my iBook with me, I thought I’d write an entry. Isn’t that thoughtful of me?

In my boredom last week, I decided to look around and see what kind of anti-Bud Selig sites were out there to protest his improper managing of affairs as Commissioner of Baseball. I didn’t find any, besides the sites out there rallying to save the Twins and Expos. So I started one – I’m really hoping it will take off and generate some grass-roots movement. It seems a funny thing to get activist about, I know, but it’s something I’m much more equipped to do than any sort of political activism.

I had quite an argument with my mom yesterday. She told me that my Aunt Jackie and Uncle George – my Godparents – probably won’t be able to make the wedding if we keep the date at May 31. Then she proceeded to lecture me as though I should have foreseen that my “semi-retired” Uncle would have an unavoidable conflict at one of his 3 jobs! Jennie and I are both very upset – we want my Godparents there, but we had a hard time getting a summer date at Holy Ghost as it was. We’re going in to the parish office tomorrow morning to see what we can do about either moving it up to the 24th (Memorial Day Weekend), or back to June 28 or later. If we can’t get before the second weekend of July, we’re going to stay with May 31 and live with it. If they can come, great, but if not, them’s the breaks.

Trying to get hired at Game Crazy has been a mess. My friend who is the store manager didn’t get my application the first time, and then I had further problems after I filled it out a second time. There’s a series of statements to which you have to respond along a spectrum of Agree Strongly, Agree, Disagree, and Disagree Strongly. I like to call it either the “Mindless Automaton Quotient” or “BS Tolerance Quotient” test. It’s all stupid statements like “I enjoy listening to people talk about themselves” and “I care about people’s problems.” I don’t know what it’s supposed to measure. At any rate, they’re not allowed to interview, let alone hire, anyone that scores less than 70%. My score: 8%. That’s not a typo: 8%. The funny thing is, I was trying to answer like I thought they wanted. So now Heather’s redone my application, answering those questions for me, and hopefully I can be hired by next week. Luckily, I qualified for extended unemployment benefits, so I can stay in my apartment for a couple months yet.

My brother, Kent, is moving from Ft. Collins to Chandler, AZ (outside of Tempe) in two weeks to start grad school at Arizona State. I hope he enjoys it. I got him started playing golf about three weeks ago. Jennie’s dad gave us a set of clubs to give him so that he can continue to work on his game (he’s already got a better swing than I do – arrgh) down there. With access to year-round play, I’m sure he’ll be kicking my ass pretty thoroughly by the time I get a chance to go down and visit him. Oh well, it will be a way to spend time together when we do see one another now.


