Tag: Bush

  • So You’re Gonna Vote Third Party, Huh?

    I posted a link to this Slate article on my Facebook page today, and got an interesting reply from a friend (name withheld since the post wasn’t public): Trump would mop the floor with her in a General election based entirely upon the attacks he’d use that Sanders has not. There is that email thing…

  • How The Republican Party Can Regain Power

    I’m giddy with excitement over our new President-Elect, but some of my friends on Facebook are really bumming me out. I’m sure some of them actually think we’re in the End Times now that Obama was won. I truly do sympathize – I am Pro-Life, and I do care about ending abortion. But a political…

  • Why I’m Voting For Obama

    I’m sick and tired of being accused by every knee-jerk “conservative” that we Obama supporters are only voting for him because he’s black, or because we like socialism, or because we just want “change,” but we don’t care what that change entails. Get this straight: we know exactly what kind of change we are voting…

  • Amen

    That’s really all I have to say.

  • Poisoning the Well

    Every time I read another article or column about Republican schemes to cheat their way into the White House, I get steamed. This time, I was reading Bob Herbert’s pair of columns from the New York Times (Sept. 18, Sept. 22). What’s sad is that nobody even cares anymore – we all just shrug and…

  • Fools and the Fools Who Follow Them

    Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alexander Pope You know what’s funny? Our invasion of Iraq would have worked better in 1990, when the Bush who was then President, and the Cheney who was then Secretary of Defense, were afraid to do it.

  • Regime Change Begins at Home

    As the rhetoric gets louder and louder, with less and less connection to reality, I feel a responsibility to say – I was wrong to support the Bush administration in invading Iraq. It seems clear to me that the President was willing to claim whatever was necessary to justify our invasion, willfully misinterpreting (or flat-out…

  • Boy, Do Those Talking Heads Need Practice!

    Saw this in a BBC article: A White House spokesman later dismissed Mr Gore’s statements, saying that the American people knew “the president’s commitment to the security of the United States and to winning the war on terrorism and our economic security”. So the White House admits it’s waging war on our economic security?

  • Blair Makes the Case

    I was on the fence about war with Iraq until I read this speech by Tony Blair. I have always held that while war is never a good thing, it is sometimes the right thing. After reading Mr. Blair’s speech, I am now convinced that war with Iraq is the right thing. Most of these…

  • You Like Me! You Really Like Me!

    Funny how after months of inactivity, I suddenly have so much to write in just two weeks! Life does that, though. My problems with the Mazda were getting on my nerves so badly that I decided to borrow the money for a down payment from my folks and buy a new Volkswagen Jetta about a…