Tag: Democrats

  • Let’s Roll Up Our Sleeves and Get to Work

    Like so many of you, I am in deep despair. I cannot believe that we will spend the next four years with a foul-mouthed, thin-skinned, misogynistic, race-baiting demagogue as our President. I cannot believe that he won over a highly-qualified, well-respected stateswoman who had more job experience than any non-incumbent in recent memory. I cannot…

  • More Thoughts on Third-Party Voting and Game Theory

    I got a lot of pushback on the last thing I wrote about the “Bernie or Bust” movement, so let me try again to explain why, rationally, it makes no sense to vote third party within the current system. If you don’t want to read the whole thing, skip to the end, where I link…

  • So You’re Gonna Vote Third Party, Huh?

    I posted a link to this Slate article on my Facebook page today, and got an interesting reply from a friend (name withheld since the post wasn’t public): Trump would mop the floor with her in a General election based entirely upon the attacks he’d use that Sanders has not. There is that email thing…

  • Why I’m Not Feeling the Bern

    (I hadn’t realized that it had been so long since I had written a blog post. Facebook and Twitter really scratch most of the itch when I feel the need to write. Nonetheless, there are times when those platforms just don’t have the ability to capture my thoughts completely.) It’s been months since the Democratic…

  • Serious Case of Sour Grapes

    I don’t know if you watched Barack Obama’s speech accepting the Democratic nomination for President last night. I watched every minute of it, and it made me prouder than ever to be one of his supporters. It was a very unique combination of inspiring rhetoric, stinging rebukes, witty one-liners, and specific, concrete policy. I think…

  • Could We Be Heading for 4-Party General Election?

    With the events of the last 3 weeks, we’re really looking at an interesting scenario for November. Hillary Clinton’s campaign continues to insist that it will court superdelegates to win the nomination, no matter the damage to the party, if she hasn’t won a plurality of committed delegates. It certainly doesn’t look at this point…

  • Poisoning the Well

    Every time I read another article or column about Republican schemes to cheat their way into the White House, I get steamed. This time, I was reading Bob Herbert’s pair of columns from the New York Times (Sept. 18, Sept. 22). What’s sad is that nobody even cares anymore – we all just shrug and…

  • Regime Change Begins at Home

    As the rhetoric gets louder and louder, with less and less connection to reality, I feel a responsibility to say – I was wrong to support the Bush administration in invading Iraq. It seems clear to me that the President was willing to claim whatever was necessary to justify our invasion, willfully misinterpreting (or flat-out…

  • Go, Texas Democrats!

    I think it is absolutely hilarious that Texas House Democrats have fled the state to break quorum and stonewall a Republican majority that has prioritized a re-districting bill to put more Republicans in the U.S. House ahead of the state budget. What really makes me laugh is the way Republicans (especially ultra-conservative ones) are getting…