Tag: Denver

  • Why Sleep When You Can Write?

    Really, really tired, and can’t sleep. I’ve been suffering from insomnia for about 5 or 6 weeks now. I was exhausted and ready to sleep at about midnight, but I haven’t been able to make myself drop off. I decided to get up and have a glass or two of milk and try to make…

  • Seven Weeks, and Still No Job

    I haven’t even gotten a nibble. I’m sure everyone’s a bit nervous about hiring right now with the economic uncertainty that’s looming, but knowing that doesn’t really make me feel much better. I could really use at least an interview, to get my hopes up.

  • I’m No Doogie Howser

    So much for writing every couple of weeks. I guess I’ll never be as dutiful at typing in my electronic journal as good ol’ Doogie Howser was. But then again, I wasn’t a doctor at 16, and I’ve never had a girlfriend as hot as Wanda, either. Not that it much matters – I think…

  • Helmut

    This every two-to-three weeks thing seems to be about right. I end up with just the right amount for an interesting entry that way, as long as I remember to do it. After a couple weeks’ deliberation, I am prepared to announce the name of my Volkswagen Jetta. My brother Kent was the only other…

  • You Like Me! You Really Like Me!

    Funny how after months of inactivity, I suddenly have so much to write in just two weeks! Life does that, though. My problems with the Mazda were getting on my nerves so badly that I decided to borrow the money for a down payment from my folks and buy a new Volkswagen Jetta about a…

  • Homesick for Oklahoma – Who’da Thunk It?

    Man, over a month since the last entry! It hasn’t been entirely my fault, though – the server wasn’t making my home directory available for upload the last two weeks or so. There’s been a bunch to write about, but now at this time of the morning, I probably won’t remember most of it. The…

  • What Do I Do?

    I started having really bad back spasms again last night, for the first time since November. For once, Monday can’t come soon enough, so that I can make an appointment for PT! Man, I hope I feel better soon! I was looking back at Tuesday’s entry (just below), and I realized something. I said I…

  • Decisions, Decisions

    After my re-encounter with Search this past weekend, I find I’m in a real quandary; I can’t decide whether I want to go home to Denver or make a life for myself here in Oklahoma. I realized that there are so many people that mean so much to me out here that I don’t want…

  • One Week Down, 22 to Go…

    Done with the first week of classes, and so far, so good! My new guitar still isn’t here (thanks a lot, UPS!), but other than that, I’m settling in pretty well. Only 144 (calendar) days until graduation! The job situation looks bleak, however – all the really good employers interviewed last semester, when I didn’t…