Tag: family

  • Distraction After Distraction

    My apologies to everyone who has been waiting to hear news from me. I have been swamped with stuff ever since the last entry. As many of you know, I am now married to the wonderful and beautiful Jennifer Sara. We’ve been at it for over 6 weeks now (since June 14th), and while living…

  • Oh Give Me a Home

    The house hunt has been a little slower than expected. Jennie and I got shut out of two different deals in the first two weeks of looking, and it’s been tough finding a place to meet our standards since then. I’m happy to say that we’ve finally chosen something, though – we’ll be signing the…

  • Incommunicado

    That was one of the longest 24 hours I’ve ever spent in my life. In the midst of Denver’s second worst snowstorm in history — the worst since 1913 — our power and phone got knocked out. From 9pm Tuesday to 9pm Wednesday, we had no power, and thus no heat, no stove, and since…

  • Here’s a New One…

    To add to the list of strange places where it occurs to me to write a diary entry, I’m at 30,000 feet on my way home from Cleveland where I was on vacation with Jennie and her family.

  • Strike Three! You’re Outta There!

    I’m picking Jennie up from work this evening at Build-A-Bear, but I have to wait until she’s finished closing the store. Since I have my iBook with me, I thought I’d write an entry. Isn’t that thoughtful of me? In my boredom last week, I decided to look around and see what kind of anti-Bud…

  • Why Doesn’t He Write?

    I was contemplating why I almost never write in my diary anymore, and I think it’s pretty simple – I never had a soulmate before with whom I could share all my anxieties, hopes, frustrations, desires, and dreams with. Now that I have Jennie, and as we’ve grown even closer in the last year, I’ve…

  • Happy Happy Joy Joy (Sort Of)

    So many things have happened since the last entry, I can scarcely think where to begin! I guess I’ll just start with the simplest thing – Jennie and I are engaged! I proposed (sort of in the middle of a fight), on Wednesday night. It was really strange, actually. I had just decided all of…

  • Finally, He Writes!

    It wasn’t until a couple of different e-mails drew my attention to it that I realized my diary was so badly out of date. I guess I’ve just been paying attention to other modifications/additions/improvements to the site, such as the navigation links (only visible if you’re using Mozilla 0.9.5+ or a couple other browsers), the…

  • Seven Weeks, and Still No Job

    I haven’t even gotten a nibble. I’m sure everyone’s a bit nervous about hiring right now with the economic uncertainty that’s looming, but knowing that doesn’t really make me feel much better. I could really use at least an interview, to get my hopes up.

  • Helmut

    This every two-to-three weeks thing seems to be about right. I end up with just the right amount for an interesting entry that way, as long as I remember to do it. After a couple weeks’ deliberation, I am prepared to announce the name of my Volkswagen Jetta. My brother Kent was the only other…