Tag: grad school

  • Finals Are Done, But Now…

    Well, I just finished the last final of my undergraduate career. I wouldn’t say it went terrific, but I’m pretty sure I didn’t bomb it. Surprisingly, I think I may pull an A in there (Science and Civilization in Islam). Now all I have to do is finish my thesis. The good news is, my…

  • Am I Gonna Graduate?

    Wow! I didn’t realize I hadn’t written in almost a month! I’m really getting lazy. Well, I finally told her (if you’re not following whom I’m speaking of, read below). I wasn’t going to, but it’s started keeping me up nights (as if I need another reason). She’s probably going to end up reading this…

  • The Best Little Delegation in Texas

    I almost feel bad writing about my problems sometimes, especially when they’re so insignificant compared to what other people I know and love are dealing with. That being said, I will do it anyway. First some good news, though. The TRHA 2000 conference went really well. We won Best Roll Call and Best Small Delegation.…