Tag: Java

  • Ow! That Hurt!

    I really, really hate getting blindsided. For six months, we have been gearing up at Mirim to change directions from a Microsoft-only solution to a truly cross-platform product using J2EE and JFC/Swing, partly at my urging. All of a sudden at our lunch meeting today, our bosses tell us that they made a “business decision”…

  • Greetings from San Francisco

    So I’m writing this while I’m in San Francisco at JavaOne, so I won’t even get it posted until next week when I get back to an internet connection. Right now I’m at a Giants–Padres game at Pacific Bell Park. I wanted to come to the game, but it’s really cold and I don’t really…

  • Life Is Good

    Oh, man… how do you even apologize for not writing in over 3 months? I don’t have even the limpest of excuses. I mean, I was out of contact for three weeks while I went to Italy at the end of July/beginning of August, but yikes! So much on which to catch up my reading…