Tag: patriotism

  • Pet Peeve #4 – The Stupidity of Pro-War Protesters

    Being pro-war doesn’t make you patriotic, any more than being anti-war makes you unpatriotic. A century ago, we used the terms “hawk” and “dove” to describe those positions precisely because it is beyond insulting to use how you feel about a particular military conflict to pigeonhole you as patriotic or not. While I’m on the…

  • Pet Peeve #3

    People, especially lawmakers, who think the flag is more important than the things it represents, like say, the Constitution.

  • Pet Peeve #1

    People who think “Support Our Troops” means supporting the President no matter what he does to put our troops’ lives in danger.

  • Tonsils Suck.

    Mine have been swollen and painful since June, making it difficult to swallow, sing, and sometimes talk. The only bigger pain in the ass is getting them taken out, which I had done today. The surgery itself was a breeze, but the recovery is already hurting like crazy, and from what I understand it’s likely…