Tag: unrequited love

  • Bad Things All Around

    Kind of an odd time to be writing a diary entry, but then again, this is me, after all. It just occurred to me as I was getting ready for bed that I never gave you, my faithful reading public, an update on the events of the last two entries. After waiting on pins and…

  • Am I Gonna Graduate?

    Wow! I didn’t realize I hadn’t written in almost a month! I’m really getting lazy. Well, I finally told her (if you’re not following whom I’m speaking of, read below). I wasn’t going to, but it’s started keeping me up nights (as if I need another reason). She’s probably going to end up reading this…

  • Back from No-Frills

    Well, my love pangs are subsiding these days, somewhat. I’m still kind of sad about the unavailability of my beloved, but I’m getting over it. Besides, I’ve gotten to know a couple other girls in whom I’m interested. One in particular really intrigues me, but once again, I’m not sure she’s available. It would be…

  • A Love Poem

    This is starting to border on ridiculous, but I’m doing it anyway. After all, it’s my diary, isn’t it? I’ve written a poem. She probably won’t ever read it, but if she does, she’ll know it’s for her. I don’t think I can tell her; at least, not now. Maybe someday…

  • What Do I Do?

    I started having really bad back spasms again last night, for the first time since November. For once, Monday can’t come soon enough, so that I can make an appointment for PT! Man, I hope I feel better soon! I was looking back at Tuesday’s entry (just below), and I realized something. I said I…

  • Decisions, Decisions

    After my re-encounter with Search this past weekend, I find I’m in a real quandary; I can’t decide whether I want to go home to Denver or make a life for myself here in Oklahoma. I realized that there are so many people that mean so much to me out here that I don’t want…