Tag: U.S. Senate

  • Political Reforms You Probably Like, That Won’t Help

    …in fact, in some cases they would make things worse. There’s a lot of anger at Congress right now, from both sides of the aisle, and I share in a lot of that. However, there’s a number of proposed reforms circulating out there on Facebook and on the rest of the web that sound really…

  • Pass the Health Reform Bill

    Yes, it’s a shit sandwich compared to the filet mignon we might have had in a perfect world, but it is much better than the status quo. It will give coverage to millions of currently-uninsured people, get a handle on out-of-control Medicare cost growth, stop the most egregious abuses of the insurance companies (by eliminating…

  • Technology and Politics

    I’ve worked with a lot of people in the technology industry who think that technologists (engineers, scientists, IT workers) are, or at least should be, above politics. I’ve known lots of them who think they can engineer better lives for themselves and humanity without having to get their hands dirty. I think several things going…

  • Go, Texas Democrats!

    I think it is absolutely hilarious that Texas House Democrats have fled the state to break quorum and stonewall a Republican majority that has prioritized a re-districting bill to put more Republicans in the U.S. House ahead of the state budget. What really makes me laugh is the way Republicans (especially ultra-conservative ones) are getting…