Tag: work

  • Seven Weeks, and Still No Job

    I haven’t even gotten a nibble. I’m sure everyone’s a bit nervous about hiring right now with the economic uncertainty that’s looming, but knowing that doesn’t really make me feel much better. I could really use at least an interview, to get my hopes up.

  • Tonsils Suck.

    Mine have been swollen and painful since June, making it difficult to swallow, sing, and sometimes talk. The only bigger pain in the ass is getting them taken out, which I had done today. The surgery itself was a breeze, but the recovery is already hurting like crazy, and from what I understand it’s likely…

  • The Dream is Over

    I had asked David if he wanted to have lunch on Thursday, and he said he didn’t think he’d have time. So I was a little surprised when he called me Thursday morning and said, “You still want to have lunch? I have all afternoon.” Turned out, they laid off all of Mirim. I was…

  • So Much for Being Appreciated

    So, just when you think life’s starting to really go well again, you get thrown a massive curveball. My one year anniversary at Mirim was supposed to be this Tuesday, but I got called into Linda’s office yesterday afternoon and was unceremoniously laid off. Three months ago they told me I was up for a…

  • Ow! That Hurt!

    I really, really hate getting blindsided. For six months, we have been gearing up at Mirim to change directions from a Microsoft-only solution to a truly cross-platform product using J2EE and JFC/Swing, partly at my urging. All of a sudden at our lunch meeting today, our bosses tell us that they made a “business decision”…

  • Some People Call Me a Space Cowboy…

    (yeah) Some call me the gangster of love… I have no idea why I wrote that. It was just kind of running through my head. I don’t think I should go up to Greeley on weeknights anymore. I’ve been a zombie pretty much all day. I went up to watch the Kings–Avalanche game (the Avs…

  • Never Try to Outdrink a Sikh!

    Boy, do I need to learn not to let big Sikhs talk me into drinking too much! We had a lunchtime party to celebrate our 1.5 release yesterday. We went to Rio Grande in LoDo, where they make some fantastic margaritas. I didn’t have any breakfast, so I already should have exercised more caution. I…

  • A Girlfriend? Really?

    So I’m sitting here, watching the first game of the playoffs for the Avalanche, and they’re tied 4-4 with the Vancouver Canucks. I can’t even believe they’re having this much trouble – it’s insane! Hopefully they’ll pull it together in the next few minutes, here. It’s been a busy couple of weeks, what with choir…

  • Life Is Good

    Oh, man… how do you even apologize for not writing in over 3 months? I don’t have even the limpest of excuses. I mean, I was out of contact for three weeks while I went to Italy at the end of July/beginning of August, but yikes! So much on which to catch up my reading…

  • Hey, People Read This After All!

    My friend Ellie told me the other day that she actually looked at this page(!), so I thought I’d revisit it for the first time in over a month. She and my good friend Matt got engaged on Friday. I was kind of pleased – I was the very first person they called, even before…