The Best Little Delegation in Texas

I almost feel bad writing about my problems sometimes, especially when they’re so insignificant compared to what other people I know and love are dealing with. That being said, I will do it anyway.

First some good news, though. The TRHA 2000 conference went really well. We won Best Roll Call and Best Small Delegation. The second award’s really funny – it says “The Best Little Delegation in Texas – University of Oklahoma”. We had a lot of laughs at that.

I’m getting a little frustrated at my dating situation. One of the girls I mentioned in my last entry seems interested, but we can’t make a time work. We’ve already postponed three times. I know it’s just because she’s really busy, and – unlike me – unwilling to risk her grades to go out. That’s part of what I like about her, her strong sense of discipline. But it’s kind of disappointing, to say the least.

My friend Charlie’s been in town all weekend. I was kind of hoping to get to spend more time with him, but TRHA took away from that. I’m going over to hang out with him when I’m done writing this, and hopefully we’ll have lunch tomorrow. It’s been really great seeing him.

I’ve decided to definitely shoot for grad school here. It’ll probably kill me, but it’s worth trying, especially if I can get a fellowship or TA position. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


